The first edition of Cura Meetings was a success!

Launched by Instituto Projeto Cura, the event gathered renowned doctors, NGOs and companies to discuss scientific research.

The first edition of Cura Meetings was held on April 29th! Cura Meetings! Launched by Instituto Cura with support of LACOG (Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group), the event integrated the agenda of the Brazilian Breast Cancer Conference, within the Best of San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, and promoted several discussions among renowned doctors of the area, addressing different themes, and providing an opportunity for the public to get acquainted with the benefits and the challenges associated with all phases of scientific studies designed to combat cancer.

That event comprised 3 distinct meetings: the Cura Meetings Donors, with the institutions involved with the execution and development of the Neosamba Research; the Cura Meetings Doctors, addressing the theme “Innovation in funding researches and recruiting of patients”; and the Cura Meetings NGOs, directed to leaders of health-related NGOs and Associations of Patients.

The Cura Meetings NGOs counted with the lectures of renowned doctors and a discussion on on “Clinical Trial and Social Inclusion”. ”. Institutions present at the session included: Abrale, Instituto Oncoguia, Red Alianza Latina, Instituto Lado a Lado pela Vida, Rede Feminina de Combate ao Câncer, Observatório de Oncologia e Instituto Vencer o Câncer, Movimento TJCC, in addition to several others that participated online. We also counted with the remote statements of Iramara Fluminhan e Ilma Lopes, patients of clinical trials, whose statements were essential to understand the practical reality of patients joining clinical trials. At that opportunity, we counted with the important presences of doctors Dr. Ricardo Caponero, Dra Laís Souza, Dr. Eduardo Zucca, Dr. Ruffo Freitas Junior, Dra Luciana Landeiro e Dr. José Márcio Figueiredo.

Participants of Cura Meetings, launched by the Instituto Projeto Cura, with support of LACOG
Participants of Cura Meetings – NGOs – In the upper section, from left to right: Marie Caponero, Dr. Ricardo Caponero, Alcina Mara (vice-president of Instituto Projeto Cura), Dra Lílian Arruda, Red Alianza Latina representative, Dra Laís Souza, Dr. Eduardo Zucca, Instituto Lado a Lado pela Vida representatives, Rede Feminina de Combate ao Câncer representatives, Observatório de Oncologia representatives, Instituto Vencer o Câncer representatives, Movimento TJCC representatives e Evellin Scarelli (Oncoguia). Lower section, from left to right: Dra Luciana Landeiro, ABRALE representative, Dr. Ruffo Freitas Júnior, Fernanda Schwyter (president of Instituto Projeto Cura), Dr. José Márcio Figueiredo e Gilson Pessoa (member of Cura Team).

The success of the event was only possible due to the participation of all who joined us online and in person! Here is our special thanks to everyone and, especially, to LACOG and to our lecturers!

A new edition of Cura Meetings will be held on June 10th! Further information will be published soon. Stay tuned!

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