Pedaling to support cancer research


$ 7,568


$ 10,000

Updated December 29, 2023 - 8:35 am

Hello, I’m Marcos. A regular guy who decided to explore his passion for bike competitions to inspire people to be better and raise funds for a good cause: cancer research.

This 2023 season, I will participate in several cycling events, with the most important being my journey across the Patagonian Pampas, traveling through lakes and mountains along the iconic Carretera Austral and Pacific fjords in Chile. This will take place during the Blue November, a month dedicated to raising awareness about men’s health issues, with a focus on prostate cancer.

If you would like to support me in this cause, please make a donation to the Instituto Projeto Cura, a Latin American institution that promotes social, scientific, and educational activities to raise awareness of the benefits of clinical research and to raise funds for academic studies seeking a cure for cancer.

I have set an ambitious goal because we know that, with the support of people like you, we can achieve it.

Please don’t hesitate to make your donation and follow my journey on @themagalway #themagalway.

Marcos Magalhães

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