Supporting cancer research for a better future.

At the Cura Project Institute, we believe in the power of Clinical Research in the fight against cancer. Join us in making a difference.

We are dedicated to making society aware of the benefits of clinical research and to address its importance for advances in cancer treatment, a topic of extreme relevance to public health and quality of life for the population of Brazil and other Latin American countries.


Towards a cure: awareness and investment in research to defeat cancer.

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Mulher fazendo uma apresentação em uma conferência.
Uma mulher sentada em uma cadeira usando uma bata de hospital.

Understand the importance and vital benefits of oncology research.


of deaths resulting from cancer occur in low and middle income nations

Entre 30% e 50%

This is the percentage that, according to the Pan American Health Organization, cancers can be prevented

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Information and awareness for the best outcomes in the treatment of cancer patients.

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Uma mulher fala com duas pessoas durante uma conferência.
Duas mulheres sentadas à mesa olhando para um laptop.

Advancing cancer research through innovation and collaboration

Health Professionals

Awareness is a powerful tool in the fight against cancer. Join us in expanding the population's understanding of the importance of research and the challenges faced by those living with cancer.

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Collaborate with the Cura Project Institute, which works to enable more clinical research for cancer in Brazil and Latin America! Your support will bring us closer to our goal: the cure of cancer!

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Upcoming Events

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São Paulo

CURA TALKS GBECAM - Symposium for Patients

Cura Talks Gbecam is especially dedicated to representatives of patient organizations, health professionals, journalists and influencers and will offer a unique opportunity for this audience to be updated on clinical studies and research and advances in breast cancer treatment and care, in addition to promoting an open and constructive dialogue on the topic. The Symposium aims to promote a space for dialogue and knowledge exchange about advances in breast cancer treatment and care, focusing on Clinical Research. The event will be attended by renowned experts in the field, who will share their experiences and innovations.

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See how research changed people's lives.
The benefits derived from clinical research do not only reach patients who are cured and resume their normal course of life. They also add value to the institutions and professionals involved in their various stages, opening new frontiers of scientific knowledge that will underpin new scientific advances. Life is priceless. Please help the Cure Project heal lives!
Cristina Santedicola
Biologist, Master in Geology
On a daily basis, we have learned about the importance of clinical research in confronting cancer and, to the same extent, we have witnessed the challenges and prejudices that hinder Brazil's greater participation in this scenario. In this field of certainties about the need to promote research and uncertainties about what strategies could assist us in this task, the Cura Project Institute was born.
Dr. Heloisa Resende
Doctor, PhD in Oncology
30 months ago I was diagnosed with a recurrence of breast cancer. Thanks to clinical research, of which I have been a member for 10 months, and to the excellence in follow-up, I have had an excellent quality of life and will be in full force at the end of the year celebrations with my family. Thank you very much to everyone who contributes to making all of this possible, especially my doctor, who is also one of the LACOG-CURA researchers.
Ana C. Angrisano

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