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of deaths resulting from cancer occur in low and middle income nations
This is the percentage that, according to the Pan American Health Organization, cancers can be prevented
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Awareness is a powerful tool in the fight against cancer. Join us in expanding the population's understanding of the importance of research and the challenges faced by those living with cancer.
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Collaborate with the Cura Project Institute, which works to enable more clinical research for cancer in Brazil and Latin America! Your support will bring us closer to our goal: the cure of cancer!
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São Paulo
Cura Talks Gbecam is especially dedicated to representatives of patient organizations, health professionals, journalists and influencers and will offer a unique opportunity for this audience to be updated on clinical studies and research and advances in breast cancer treatment and care, in addition to promoting an open and constructive dialogue on the topic. The Symposium aims to promote a space for dialogue and knowledge exchange about advances in breast cancer treatment and care, focusing on Clinical Research. The event will be attended by renowned experts in the field, who will share their experiences and innovations.
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