Making a difference

Collaborate with the Cura Project Institute, which works to enable more clinical research for cancer in Brazil and Latin America! Your support will bring us closer to our goal: the cure of cancer!

Help us on the journey against cancer

In a world where the journey against cancer is a constant process, the Cura Project Institute stands out as an important bridge between science and the patient, expanding awareness, education, and information about clinical research to combat cancer and encouraging the raising of funds for investment in academic studies. We look back with gratitude for the support that made, and will make possible, significant advances in research and awareness about cancer. The Cura Project Institute would not be able to fulfill its mission without the essential support from various institutions and individuals, and sees in each donation, the partnership and collaborative effort that have been fundamental to boosting our capacity to face cancer more effectively.

Pessoas unindo as mãos em cima da mesa.

Your company can be part of our journey. Together Against Cancer!

Your support is essential so that we can develop projects that aim to inform society about the benefits of research to combat cancer, promote philanthropy and raise funds so that more clinical research for cancer can be developed, and, as a result, more treatments and medications can be created. By joining us, your company has the opportunity to make a significant impact in the fight against cancer.

Corporate Partnerships

We welcome companies to become corporate partners and to support our mission to advance cancer research and treatment

Opportunities for

Companies can sponsor our events, programs, or specific research projects, gaining visibility and demonstrating their commitment to fighting cancer.

How to donate with your company?


Get in touch

We'll schedule a quick conversation to understand your context.



We will evaluate donation possibilities



Finally, with all negotiations finalized, we can formalize your company's donation process.

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Apoio Institucional
Apoiadoras de Pesquisa

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