Help us on the journey against cancer

Clinical research needs your support and will bring us closer to our goal: the cure of cancer!

Clinical research saves lives and makes a difference in the lives of people with cancer and those who are looking for a cure

By donating to the Cura Project Institute, you are directly contributing to the advancement of clinical research in oncology. Collaborate with Cura to expand awareness and research for the fight against cancer, encouraging the raising of funds for investment in academic studies.
Uma mulher mais velha com um lenço na cabeça sorrindo.

Collaborate with the positive impact of research on the lives of people with cancer

Each scientific breakthrough represents new hope and a new horizon of possibilities for those facing cancer. Each discovery provided by Clinical Research boosts science, providing quality of life and hope for those who struggle with this terrible disease.

By collaborating with Cura, you will be directly supporting research progress, giving hope to the entire Brazilian and Latin American community affected by cancer.

Together, we can make a difference, bringing light and hope to those who face this battle.

Turn hope into reality, make your donation!

Each contribution is essential, choose your way of collaborating with Cura and Clinical Research.
Monthly Donation
Single Donation

R$ 25/month

R$ 0.83/day

You help cover the basic costs of our activities, allowing us to continue to raise awareness about the benefits of research in confronting cancer. Every contribution makes a difference!


R$ 50/month

R$ 1,66/day

You support events that encourage health professionals to become researchers and engage the community in the cause. Your generosity strengthens our initiatives.


R$ 100/month

R$ 3.33/day

You support wide-ranging events that promote understanding and support for scientific research. With your help, we can expand our reach and impact.


R$ 500/month

R$ 16.66/day

You become a pillar of sustainability, enabling major advocacy actions, strategic partnerships, and large scale research projects that can save countless lives.


Do you want to donate another amount?

Customize the amount you want to contribute

R$ 25

You help cover the basic costs of our activities, allowing us to continue to raise awareness about the benefits of research in confronting cancer. Every contribution makes a difference!


R$ 50

You support events that encourage health professionals to become researchers and engage the community in the cause. Your generosity strengthens our initiatives.


R$ 150

You support wide-ranging events that promote understanding and support for scientific research. With your help, we can expand our reach and impact.


R$ 500

You become a pillar of sustainability, enabling major advocacy actions, strategic partnerships, and large scale research projects that can save countless lives.


Do you want to donate another amount?

Customize the amount you want to contribute

International Donation

Your international donation will allow us to expand our efforts, reaching even more people who need urgent help. Join us on this mission of hope and healing, and make a difference globally. Donate today and be the change the world needs!

Donate with bank deposit

Basta indicar como chave o CNPJ no Instituto Projeto Cura:
CNPJ: 33.188.607/0001-04

Para depósito bancário use os seguintes dados:
Associação Instituto Projeto Cura
CNPJ: 33.188.607/0001-04
Banco Santander (Bank Code: 033)
Agency: 0995
Current Account: 13,001,079-8

Your company can be part of our journey. Together Against Cancer!

Your support is essential so that we can develop projects that aim to inform society about the benefits of research to combat cancer, promote philanthropy and raise funds so that more clinical research for cancer can be developed, and, as a result, more treatments and medications can be created. By joining us, your company has the opportunity to make a significant impact in the fight against cancer.


We welcome companies to become corporate partners and to support our mission to advance cancer research and treatment

of sponsorship

Companies can sponsor our events, programs, or specific research projects, gaining visibility and demonstrating their commitment to fighting cancer.

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