
Winner of the 5th Renata Thormann Procianoy Award will be announced on June 16 during the Best of ASCO 2023

With the objective of motivating the scientific community to continue with its excellent investigations and to renew its impetus to help others, the prize awarded by the Cura Project Institute has already recognized renowned Brazilian professionals in its previous editions

The 5th Renata Thormann Procianoy Award, announced during the Best of ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology) 2023, will take place in São Paulo on June 16, the event, more than providing due recognition, seeks to motivate the scientific community to continue with its excellent investigations and renew its impetus to help the next and future generations, since it works in research in Brazil
can be challenging and draining due to lack of incentives.

In a ceremony that takes place annually as part of the main program of the Best of ASCO, — organized by LACOG (Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group) and Ethics — Research and Teaching, the Cura Project Institute has been awarding the award since 2019 that selects the best Brazilian work submitted to the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).

As explained by the President of the Cura Project Institute, Fernanda Schwyter, the Renata Thormann Procianoy Prize is evaluated by a scientific committee made up of research doctors associated with LACOG.

4º edição Prêmio Renata Thormann Procianoy 2022
Last edition of the Renata Thormann Procianoy Prize 2022. In the image (from left to right): Dr. Carlos Barrios, Iramana Fluminhan (in memorian), Dr. Gilberto Castro, Fernanda Schwyter

Throughout its editions, the Renata Thormann Procianoy Prize has honored important and recognized Brazilian professionals, such as:

  • 2019 - Dr. Thiago Bueno de Oliveira with a study completely carried out in Brazil, which dealt with the prospective evaluation of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) analyzed in blood samples, before and after treatment in patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer;
  • 2020 - Dr. Fernando Maluf with a 100% Brazilian study on a new drug for prostate cancer in advanced stages, involving 14 research centers;
  • 2021 - Dr. Luciana Landeiro with the “Randomized study using an electric hand warmer versus observation to reduce discomfort during scalp cooling for the prevention of chemotherapy-induced alopecia”;
  • 2022 - Dr. Verônica Torres, principal investigator of the “Prospective study evaluates the performance of the 2021 CKD-EPI equation without racial coefficient in adults with solid tumors”.

The award ceremony for the 5th Renata Thormann Procianoy Prize will be held at an event for guests in São Paulo and the dissemination may be followed by the Social Networks of the Cura Project Institute.

About the Renata Thormann Procianoy Award

Inspired by the story of the psychiatrist and researcher Nora Thormann Porcianoy, who had the help of her daughter Renata Thormann Procianoy in the search for research that would help diagnose and cure her health problem, which, after two years, resulted in the inclusion of Nora's case in a clinical study coordinated by the Brazilian Dr. Roberto Miranda at the MD Anderson hospital, the University of Texas (USA), the Prize is a recognition of the research that identified and treated Nora. The name is a tribute to Renata who, unfortunately, months later suffered a car accident and died, celebrating her tenth birthday this year. Check out Nora Thormann Procianoy's testimony:


About the Cura Project Institute
The Cura Project Institute, a non-profit entity, promotes social, scientific and educational activities to increase civil society's awareness of the benefits of clinical research and to raise funds to finance academic studies to combat cancer in Brazil.

To make a donation and learn more about our projects, visit our Donation tab, follow our Social Networks @projetocura or contact us at eventos@projetocura.org

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