
Is there a cure for Metastatic Breast Cancer?

Advances in treatment, which are changing patients' outlook on life, will be discussed at Cura TALKS Breast Gramado - a free event open to the public - on August 29th

“We have to change our perception of metastatic breast cancer in view of what we have in terms of advances in management and treatment. Everyone's job is to give light and attention to those patients that until now were hidden,” says oncologist Dr. Carlos Barrios, who is director of the Latin American Group for Clinical Oncology Research (LACOG). The expert's lecture is one of the highlights of the event. According to the doctor, in recent years, women with metastatic cancer are living longer and some of them have even been able to cure the disease. Some of the new medications are now available in the SUS.
The participation of Brazilian women in research is one of the flags defended by Cura, which is why one of the highlights is the panel Navigating the individual profile of patients on their breast cancer journey. One of the speakers will be the Bahian doctor Dr. Ana Amélia de Almeida Viana, from the Diversity Committee of the Brazilian Society of Clinical Oncology. According to the expert, black women die more from breast cancer in Brazil, and one explanation is that black women are diagnosed with breast cancer at more advanced stages of the disease, making treatment difficult. “The problem is that the black population in our country has less access to diagnostic tests and specialized treatment. Besides, it's rare to see black women represented in campaigns. That's why many find it difficult to see that the message of the importance of health care is for them too.”

Cura TALKS Breast Gramado, designed by the Cura Project Institute, will be held as a parallel program to the 18th Gramado Breast Cancer, an exclusive paramedical congress. Some of these specialists will also participate in the Cura Talks Breast talks.

The dissemination of secure information, avoiding fake news, is another concern of the event. For this reason, journalists and influencers were invited to participate in round tables. Among them, Claudia Bartelle, from Rio Grande do Sul, who has had breast cancer. “Our role is extremely important, because since we influence, we have to do it with purpose. Since we can influence it to be for good and to make women aware that women need to take care of themselves and pay attention to their bodies. It's important to remember that we have a health schedule. The speech of each one of us can save many lives. That's my role in the social network,” she says. The closing theme, on the other hand, will be the Mama CA Patient and the information through the eyes of those who report the news. Journalists Cristina Ranzolin, Alice Neves and Eduarda Streb will participate.

About the Organization of the Event: The Cura Project Institute is a non-profit organization dedicated to making society aware of the benefits of clinical research. The entity, which is at the forefront in Latin America, encourages health professionals to be researchers and raises funds to finance independent scientific or academic studies, through the promotion of scientific, sporting or social events. The organization also receives donations from individuals or legal entities - directly or indirectly - through the donation or deduction of income taxes, for example.

Service: Cure TALKS Breast Gramado

Date: 29.08.24 - from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Target audience: patient organizations, journalists, digital influencers, and the general public

Venue: Hotel Serrano - Av. das Horténsias, 1480

Free registrations for in-person participation on the site: https://www.sympla.com.br/evento/cura-talks-breast/2545649

Press Office:

Melissa Gass - 51 99573.5372

Flávia Marroni - 51 99877.8913

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