
How to donate to fund clinical research

To facilitate the receipt of recurring donations, the Cura Project Institute provides a tool (PayPal) that can be used by donors in Brazil as well as abroad. Through the system, people can schedule themselves so that the donation is debited monthly.

Fundraising is one of the tasks carried out by Cura, whose purpose is to contribute to the conduct of clinical studies in the search for new treatments to combat cancer. The project also raises awareness about the importance of clinical research and the development of the culture of philanthropy in Latin America.

According to data from the National Cancer Institute (INCA), in the 2020-2022 triennial period, Brazil will have 625,000 new cases of cancer each year. The most incidents will be breast and prostate (66,000 each), colon and rectum (41,000), lungs (30,000) and stomach (21,000), with the exception of non-melanoma skin cancer (177,000 new cases).

Head and neck cancer, which will soon be the target of a Cura campaign, registers 1.3 million new cases worldwide each year. In Brazil, it is the third most common tumor in men (mouth and larynx) and the fifth in women (thyroid).

In this scenario, every penny donated is important for the discovery of new treatments. According to the president of Cura, Fernanda Schwyter, “in Brazil, much progress is needed to achieve international standards in the development of clinical research”.

Fernanda explains that participating in a clinical trial may be the only chance of life for many patients who do not find satisfactory results with conventional treatments.

Resources received by Cura, through donations, have already supported the initiation of breast cancer and prostate cancer research, coordinated by LACOG (Latin American Oncology Group).

Click here to donate.

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