
Cura signs partnership with IBCC

The Cura Project Institute and the Brazilian Institute for Cancer Control (IBCC) signed a partnership to develop actions that promote better care for cancer patients. The agreement between the organizations provides for carrying out activities aimed at patients and the dissemination of the benefits of clinical research, which is often the patient's only chance of a cure.

According to the president of Cura, Fernanda Schwyter, “the partnership with the IBCC is extremely important, considering the relevance of the institute in the treatment of cancer”. Fernanda explains that among the objectives of the cooperation are the holding of workshops for patients, patient associations and the lay public, an opportunity in which interested parties can obtain more in-depth information about neoplasms and everything that involves them.

In addition, the project is aimed at resident doctors and health professionals, who will receive information about clinical research at events organized by Cura. According to Fernanda, “it is important that, from an early age, resident physicians have contact with the world of clinical research and can better guide their future patients on the subject”.

The initiative was only possible thanks to the collaboration of the Clinical Director and medical coordinator of the IBCC Research Center, Dr. Lilian Arruda. The doctor participated in the campaign “The Cure for Cancer Is In Our Hands”, carried out by the Cura Project to raise funds for NeoSamba Research, and led the collection. The clinical study will take place in 12 Brazilian centers, including the IBCC.

“We were very happy to be able to dedicate ourselves to a project that we believe in. We feel obliged to open space and encourage the exchange of reliable information for the population. We hope that, together, we can be a tool for the dissemination of knowledge about clinical research. We embrace Cura,” said the oncologist.

The Cura Project aims to create a culture of philanthropy to capture and manage, with the best ethical rigors, resources to finance cancer research. The IBCC is a network of hospital services specialized in oncology and people with cancer for over 50 years in São Paulo. It is a private, charitable social assistance institution, a pioneer in the fight against breast cancer in Brazil and with assistance to more than 15 oncological specialties. She has been the owner of the campaign “Breast cancer a fashionable target in Brazil” for 25 years.

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