
Cura encourages oncology research with the launch of an award

Created by Cura, the Renata Thormann Procianoy award aims to create a culture of philanthropy, raise resources for scientific research, and encourage oncologists to develop research that helps in the search for a cure for cancer. The award was launched at the Best of ASCO conference, which took place from June 14-15, 2019. In its first edition, Brazilian papers submitted to the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) were considered. A technical committee made up of research doctors associated with LACOG chose Dr. Thiago Bueno's work as the winner.

The award was inspired by the story Nora Thormann Porcianoy, who had the help of her daughter Renata Thormann Procianoy in the search for research that would help diagnose what was wrong with her breast implants. The daughter gave up everything to commit herself to this mission, which, after two years, resulted in the inclusion of Nora's case in a study coordinated by doctor Dr. Roberto Miranda at the MD Anderson Hospital, University of Texas — USA. Research identified and treated Nora. Some years later, with Nora having recovered from cancer, her daughter Renata died in a car accident in 2013. The family transformed pain into love with the decision to contribute to work involving research to cure cancer. Then, through the Cura Project, they made a donation to LACOG, an institution that develops and coordinates multicentric oncology research in Latin America, with headquarters in Brazil. Learn more about this story in the video below:

The prize trophy was created and donated by the artist Fernanda Frangetto

Fernanda Frangetto Maksoud, visual artist, works in different media: sculpture, installation, painting and drawing. He studied at the Centro Universitário de Belas Artes and specialized in sculpture at the Brazilian Museum of Sculpture, both in São Paulo. His works have been presented at art institutions in the USA and Brazil, such as the NARS Foundation (New York); DORCAM Doral Contemporary Art Museum, Marco Island Center for the Arts, Magnetic Pompano (Florida); Casa das Nações Unidas (Brasília); Marcos Amaro Foundation, Central Bank of Brazil and Brazilian Society of Japanese Culture (São Paulo). He created sculptures and trophies for the “São Paulo Association of Art Critics” (Prize APCA), or Fashion Brazil Miami. The City of Doral - Government Center, in Florida, invited her to create sculptures in honor of the national fight against cancer. These sculptures were donated to Doral City Hall,” Commissioners Office of Miami-Dade” and the “American Cancer Society”. At the special invitation of the “Cura Project Institute Association”, the “Renata Thormann Procianoy Award 2019” was designed. Fernanda Frangetto received the Grand Gold Award at the Bunkyo Hall and was one of the consecutive winners of the Focus Brazil Visual Arts Award. Fernanda Frangetto has lectured at numerous art events and her works are included in collections such as the Consulate General of Brazil in Miami, the Marcos Amaro Foundation and the Brazilian Society for Japanese Culture. Fernanda Frangetto is represented by the Duo Art Gallery in Miami.

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