
CURA promoted Patient Forum with more than 300 members

Promoted by the Cura Project Institute, Patient Forum “Inside Cancer — EMama edition”, held on October 6, provided a transformative moment for cancer patients, NGO leaders, and other interested parties. The focus of the event was the update on breast cancer and its treatments and the presentation of the latest research with the biggest names in oncology and clinical research in the country.

The Forum, 100% online and free, received an excellent public reception: more than 300 registered! There were more than 3 hours of programming, with 6 conferences, 1 question session, a major research debate and the participation of 13 professionals in the field.

We had the participation of the specialists:

  • Dr. Heloisa Resende
  • Dr. Sergio Simon
  • Dr. Max Mano
  • Dr. Ricardo Caponero
  • Dr. Gustavo Werutsky
  • Dr. Daniela Rosa
  • Dr. Carlos Barrios
  • Dr. Daniela Rosa
  • Dr. Jose Bines
  • Dr. Maira Caleffi — FEMAMA
  • Luciana Holtz — Oncoguia

The Forum was sponsored by Roche, the support of the Cristália Laboratory and LACOG, in addition to the support of the following institutions:

  • Americas Amigas
  • Mão na Mama
  • Cancer talk
  • Women in Oncology
  • Overcoming Cancer
  • Oncoguia
  • TJCC
  • Protea Institute

The event also marked the official launch of the “Together we can be stronger than cancer” campaign to raise financial resources to enable phase 3 of the NeoSamba Study to be carried out.
Many thanks to everyone involved: speakers, medical coordinators, moderators, and the Cura team!

Click here to learn more about the Campaign “Together we can be stronger than cancer” and participate!

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