
Cura Mobilizes Society Against VETO 59/2022

The Cura Project Institute joins the fight to mobilize Civil and Medical Institutions and Societies against the #Veto59 of PRONON and PRONAS/PCD.

The Cura Project Institute joined hundreds of Civil Society Institutions and Medical Societies to create a mobilization to obtain, together with the Federal Government, the return of the PRONAS/PCD (National Health Care Support Program for the Disabled) and PRONON (National Oncology Care Support Program) Programs.


These programs brought significant investments in scientific research, training, and public access to innovative treatments that promoted advances in cancer care and rehabilitation for thousands of Brazilians.

This is the moment for everyone to come together to get parliamentarians, from the Senate and the Chamber, to overturn the veto of Bill 5,307/2020, authored by Senator Mara Gabrilli, which extends the possibility for private companies to donate funds to projects approved by the Ministry of Health in the areas of Oncology and Physical Rehabilitation, by deducting 1% from the Income Tax return, made by Real Profit.

Medicine has come a long way in recent years, but this is only possible with resources and, therefore, PRONON And the PRONAS/PCD They are essential. These resources are invested in actions for the SUS and in the care of the population that uses the system where, through various activities such as scientific research, purchase of equipment, training, among others, institutions can provide effective assistance to cancer patients and people with disabilities. The time has come to demand political participation on behalf of people in need.

Take part in this mobilization, nonpartisan and share!
Let's fight for the right to have inclusive and high-quality medicine!

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