
Cura has proposals approved at the 17th National Health Conference, which guarantee a stable environment for research

The 17th National Health Conference, organized by the Ministry of Health and the National Health Council, which took place from June 2 to 5 in Brasilia, discussed approximately 2,000 proposals and guidelines that will subsidize public health policies over the next four years.

conferência nacional de saúde

The event brought together more than 6 thousand representatives of civil society, entities, movements and social organizations and was preceded by several preparatory stages, thousands of municipal conferences and 99 free thematic conferences, in addition to conferences held in all states and the Federal District. In these stages, 249 guidelines and 1214 proposals were approved, which were systematized in the Consolidated National Report and discussed in the working groups during the 17th National Health Conference.

The approved proposals and guidelines were submitted at the time of the Deliberative Plenary, which was held on July 5th and aimed at debating, approving, or rejecting proposals from the Report and the national and international motions. Finally, the result will be indicated in the Final Report, which in turn will support the formulation of guidelines for the Multiannual Health Plan (2024-2027) and for the State and Federal District Health Plan (2024-2027), and will guide the SUS in the coming years.

Within this context, the Cura Project Institute held a Free National Conference on April 31 and was included in the consolidated document with the theme: “What you should know about research and cancer: challenges and opportunities”. Through the delegates elected at this conference, Luciana Papaleo Peixoto and Fernanda Schwyter, Cura participated in the 17th National Health Conference and was guided in its proposals by the following Directive:

“To promote research to prevent and combat cancer in Brazil based on education and awareness among the population, academics and health professionals based on the importance of clinical research, and the engagement of government agencies in the discussion about the need for more agile clinical trial approval processes and incentives that promote and attract studies in Brazilian institutions, providing relevant data in the field of public health and guaranteeing access to innovative treatments for cancer patients in public networks and private.”

The proposals presented by Cura have been approved and will be officially announced on the channels of the Ministry of Health, and they fulfill the role of planting a seed to have a stable environment for independent and academic clinical oncological research, within the barriers raised and debated by Cura, which are intended to impact the training of doctors and health professionals, fundraising, decentralization of research centers and motivation of the pharmaceutical industry to bring more studies to Brazil.

According to Fernanda Schwyter, President of the Cura Project Institute and delegate to the 17th CNS:
“These were days of hard work, of much discussion and mobilization, but of great achievement. Life is much better when we have a purpose and it is more enriching when we are engaged by society for the same purpose, and we completed the 17th National Health Conference with success and approval of proposals in oncology. So, congratulations to all of us who were able to complete another stage of the journey in the fight against cancer, because research saves lives”.

Cura supports the TJCC motion

Also during the 17th CNS, the Cura Project Institute supported the motion registered by the TJCC - All Together Against Cancer, which requests the updating of the care models for people with cancer in the SUS. With the special support of the member organizations of the TJCC: Abrale, Oncoguia, ACBG, FEMAMA, Cura and SBOC, it was possible to collect more than 400 signatures in support of the cause.

Source: text prepared based on information from the National Health Council

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