
Cura Talks: Promoting awareness and information about Oncology Clinical Research

The Cura Project Institute will hold, on the 15th, Cura Talks, which is an event that aims to provide guidelines for the challenges faced by cancer patients in Brazil and to provide a space for information and awareness on important topics, especially related to clinical research in oncology.

Cura Talks, which takes place in a hybrid form on March 15, 2024 in São Paulo, focuses on current and relevant issues that directly impact the quality of life and outcomes of cancer patients, as well as their support networks.

The purpose of the Cura Project Institute is to inform and make society in general, which includes health professionals, leaders of patient associations, patients, family members and all those interested in the fight against cancer, aware of various aspects of oncology, with special attention to clinical research. By doing so, we hope to empower participants to better understand the current cancer research landscape, its advances and challenges, and how this translates into tangible benefits for patients.

With the theme “Regulatory Pathways of Clinical Research in Brazil”, this edition of Cura Talks will explore Clinical Research and the regulations surrounding it in the country.

Check out the confirmed speakers:

Fernanda Schwyter - Founder and President of the Cura Project Institute

Dr. Carlos Barrios - Director and Principal Researcher of the São Lucas Hospital Oncology Research Center at PUCRS. Director of LACOG - Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group. Physician and Clinical Research Coordinator of the Oncoclinics Group. One of the most cited researchers in the world in 2023 - “High Cited Researchers 2023”

Congressman Pedro Westphalen - Physician and Parliamentarian, rapporteur in the Chamber of Deputies in 2023 of Bill 7082/2017, which was approved and provides for clinical research with human beings.

Luana Ferreira Lima - Lawyer, specialist in humanitarian action from the University of Geneva, master's degree in human rights from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Public Policy and Advocacy Coordinator of the Brazilian Lymphoma and Leukemia Association (ABRALE) and Coordinator of the All Together Against Cancer Movement (TJCC) — Representing 300 Brazilian NGOs.

Cura Talks is an important event for a better understanding of clinical research in oncology, empowering individuals and communities to face this challenge more effectively and compassionately, bringing up-to-date knowledge and information, in addition to promoting an open and constructive dialogue aimed at continuously improving access to treatments for cancer patients.

Target Audience:

Cura Talks is aimed at a wide variety of participants, including health professionals, researchers, patient association leaders, cancer patients, their families and caregivers, as well as anyone interested in learning more about the fight against cancer and the crucial role of clinical research.

Don't miss the opportunity to participate in Cura Talks. Join us on March 15, 2024, at the Intercontinental Hotel in São Paulo, or participate virtually through the online platform.

For more information and registration, visit the event link: https://www.sympla.com.br/evento/cura-talks/2332503

We look forward to welcoming you to Cura Talks! Join us on this journey of learning and collaboration.

About the Cura Project Institute

The Cura Project Institute is a non-profit institution, created in 2016, dedicated to making society aware of the benefits of clinical research and addressing its importance for advances in cancer treatment, a topic of extreme relevance to public health and quality of life of the population of Brazil and other Latin American countries. The Institute develops activities aimed at advising patients, lay people, health professionals and government agencies about the importance of clinical research. Learn more by accessing the site: www.projectocura.org.br

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