
The Cura Talks event was a success!

The Cura Talks event brought together patients, families, companies, NGOs and health professionals and a Free Conference of the National Health Council was held.

On March 31, Cura Talks took place, with the theme “What You Should Know About Research and Cancer: Challenges and Opportunities”. The event, presented by ONE - Ocean Network Express, with the support of LACOG - Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group and about 20 other health institutions as institutional support, took place at the Hotel Intercontinental, in São Paulo - SP.

With more than 100 people present and more than 80 watching the live broadcast, the public can attend lectures and debates with Dr. William William (oncologist), Caio Viana (psychologist), Leonardo Husz (nurse specializing in oncology) and Dr. Julio Antônio Pereira (oncologist), as well as testimonials from the patient Ana Cristina Angrisano and others present.

Cura Talks also included a Free Conference of the National Health Council, where a debate, proposal and the election of two Delegates, Fernanda Schwyter and Luciana Peixoto, who will participate in the 17th National Health Conference, with the objective of submitting proposals to increase access to research for cancer patients.

In addition, the Cura Project Institute paid a brief tribute to the people and companies that believe in and support our project and struggle. We register here our thanks to ONE, Alta Saúde, ICB, Clínica Prognostica and Silvana Nunes - donor and representative of individual donors.

Check out some images from our event!

To see more photos, click here.

Image credits: Jefferson Corrêa/RB Films

Those who were unable to attend the live event can check out the saved broadcast on our channel at youtube


Cura Talks is another of the Cura Project Institute's proprietary events of many yet to come!

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