
World Cancer Day 2024: Promoting fairer care

On February 4th, the world came together in an essential awareness campaign: World Cancer Day. This date, marked on the global calendar, is an important reminder of our collective responsibility to address this disease more effectively and compassionately.

This year, the Cura Project Institute Joined the campaign of International Union for Cancer Control (UICC), whose theme is “For fairer care”. It's a call to action, a call to ensure that everyone, regardless of their socioeconomic or geographical situation, has equal access to the best care and treatment available.

“World Cancer Day reminded us of the global cancer emergency and how we all play our part in controlling the disease.” Ebele Mbanugo, Doctor of Education - Founder and Executive Director of Run For a Cure Africa

In accordance with this commitment, the Cura Project Institute highlights the importance of clinical oncology research. The phrase that Cura summarizes for this mission is: “Clinical Research saves lives and in many cases it's the only way to guarantee access to innovative technologies”. It is essential to understand that clinical research is not just a distant scientific investigation: it is a vital bridge between medical discovery and accessible and effective treatment for patients.

By launching a series of UICC informational materials, Cura aimed not only to raise awareness of the importance of clinical research, but also to highlight how these investigations are crucial for significant advances in cancer treatment. Each breakthrough in research is a new hope for those who face this disease, offering alternatives, new treatments, and technologies.


In addition to the global campaign and, in solidarity with cancer patients, the Cura Project Institute supported, for another year, the Abrale (Brazilian Lymphoma and Leukemia Association) campaign, the “Go with the handkerchief”. We recognize the importance of showing support to those who are treating and living with cancer, and wearing a handkerchief was a way to express our empathy and support. This was a visible reminder that no one is alone on this journey and that we are united in the search for better care, treatment, and healing.

In this month that World Cancer Day was celebrated, our team invited everyone to join us, both in raising awareness about the importance of clinical research and in supporting patients and their families. Together, we can make a difference by promoting more just and compassionate care for all those affected by cancer.

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