Make your donation with Pix to the Cura Project Institute
Now you can also make your donation to the Cura Project Institute securely and instantly using Pix.
Just enter the CNPJ as a key at the Cura Project Institute: CNPJ: 33.188.607/0001-04
Pix is the newest payment system launched in Brazil, through which individuals and companies can transfer amounts only by indicating the key of the recipient of the resource, and it is no longer necessary to provide information such as account number, full name, and others. The key options are CPF, email, telephone, or a random key. For companies, it is possible to use the CNPJ instead of the CPF, as we do here at Cura.
This payment method allows transactions of any amount, 24 hours a day, every day of the week (including holidays). The amount is received by the recipient within 10 seconds.
Already available on the apps and internet banking of most banks, there is no cost to use this feature.
Make your donation to Cura now!