Cura Meetings was a success
Created by the Cura Project Institute, the meeting brought together renowned doctors, NGOs and companies to discuss scientific research.
The first edition of the Cure Meetings! Created by the Cura Project Institute, with support from LACOG (Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group), the meeting was part of the program Brazilian Breast Cancer Conference, at the Best of San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, and promoted several discussions among renowned doctors in the area on various topics, and provided an opportunity for the public to learn about the benefits and challenges for carrying out research in the fight against cancer.
In this edition, we have 3 different meetings: the Cure Meetings Donors, with the institutions involved in carrying out and developing Neosamba Research; Cura Medical Meetings, who addressed the topic “Innovation in research funding and patient recruitment”; and Cura Meetings NGOs, aimed at leaders of health NGOs and Patient Associations.
O Cura Meetings NGOs It included lectures by renowned doctors and a discussion about “Clinical Research and Social Inclusion”. At the time, we were attended by the following institutions: Abrale, Oncoguia Institute, Red Alianza Latina, Institute Side by Side by Side for Life, Women's Network to Fight Cancer, Oncology Observatory and Overcoming Cancer Institute, TJCC Movement, as well as several others that participated online. In addition, we rely on remote testimonials from research patients Iramara Fluminhan and Ilma Lopes, essential for understanding the practical reality of those who participate in scientific studies. On the occasion, we also highlight the distinguished presence of the doctors Dr. Ricardo Caponero, Dr. Laís Souza, Dr. Eduardo Zucca, Dr. Ruffo Freitas Junior, Dr. Luciana Landeiro and Dr. José Márcio Figueiredo.

The success of the event was only possible due to the participation of everyone who was with us online and in person! We thank everyone and especially LACOG and our speakers!
On June 10, we will have a new edition of Cura Meetings! Soon, we will bring you new information. Wait!
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