
Cura Project Institute raises over R$ 180,000 for cancer research in Brazil

Crowdfunding was supported by oncologists from all over Brazil, who mobilized more than 300 donors.

Crowdfunding campaign raised R$ 184 thousand between July and September for investments in scientific research to combat head and neck cancer. “1,000 tests for cancer research” was the motto of the campaign carried out in partnership with the Brazilian Head and Neck Cancer Group - GBCP, and the Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group - LACOG, which had a strong digital presence and support from doctors, celebrities, influencers and patients to exceed all expectations.

With the objective of collecting the basic costs of collecting and storing a thousand laboratory tests on blood samples and biopsies from patients, the action exceeded projections and reached 143% of the goal, raising the equivalent of the basic costs of 1,430 laboratory tests.

The result was only possible due to the dedication of GBCP doctors and researchers who, based on an innovative strategy, mobilized 335 donors for the cause. Despite the difficulties caused by Covid-19, more than 7 thousand accesses were generated to the donation page. In addition to raising funds, the initiative sought to raise awareness of the importance of supporting scientific research in Brazil.

According to Dr. Aline Lauda, oncologist, researcher at the Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group and president of the Brazilian Head and Neck Cancer Group - GBCP, “a treatment developed in another country is not necessarily appropriate for Brazilian patients. Therefore, it is essential to carry out studies within our reality to accurately answer our particular questions.” According to the researcher, national research also helps to reduce treatment costs in the country.

Head and neck cancer is the third most common cancer in Brazilian men. It is a very debilitating disease, including with devastating aesthetic effects on the eyes, noses, and lips. Because of the difficulties of swallowing, about 60% of patients have some degree of malnutrition upon receiving the diagnosis, since 80% of the cases are diagnosed at an advanced stage.

The Cura Project Institute, a non-profit institution based in Brazil, is the only one in Latin America that is active in planning and carrying out awareness-raising and fundraising actions for research to combat cancer. According to the president of the Institute, Fernanda Schwyter, “Initiatives like this are fundamental to developing the culture of philanthropy in Brazil. This was once the largest fundraising campaign for scientific research in the country. And we're just getting started.”

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