
Cura Project Institute promotes 1st Brazilian Workshop on the benefits of research in the fight against cancer

Between October 07 and 08, 2020, the Cura Project Institute will promote the 1st Brazilian Workshop - Benefits of Research in the Fight against Cancer. Aimed at leaders of NGOs, support groups and patient associations, the event aims to disseminate content and train about the importance of the benefits of cancer research in the fight against cancer.

The pandemic of the new coronavirus brought to light the importance of scientific research in the fight against pandemic diseases. If we consider the cancer numbers, we can conclude that the world is living with an epidemic of this disease. Studies reveal that 1.7 million cases will be diagnosed in the coming years and more than 1 million cancer deaths will be registered annually, surpassing cardiovascular diseases as the leading cause of death in the population.

Among the main barriers to the development of clinical research in Latin America are the lack of public recognition of its importance, legal and regulatory obstacles in some countries, and, critically, the lack of funding to support research.

The Cura Project Institute is the only institution in Latin America focused on raising awareness and raising resources to finance research in the region.

“Our intention is to make the population aware of the benefits, to demystify prejudices, and to raise funds for scientific research. Science and history show us that research saves lives and generates knowledge about new techniques and treatments. For many people this is the only chance of a cure.

The workshop is an action that seeks to share knowledge, mobilize institutions and engage people in the cause,” explains Fernanda Schwyter, president of Cura. The workshop, sponsored by Roche, will include a program consisting of conferences that will be given by renowned research specialists and doctors, such as doctors, Carlos Barrios, Fábio Franke, Heloisa Resende, Andreia Melo, Liliam Arruda, Jose Marcio de Figueiredo Ferraz, Fernando Maluf, Paulo Fernandes and Juliana Mauri. There will be more than 6 hours of content, delivered over two days, including debates and discussions on the topic. A unique opportunity for a rich exchange of information and knowledge.


1st Brazilian Workshop Benefits of Cancer Research Online event with free registration October 07 and 08, 2020, starting at 15:00. Registrations via the link: https://forms.gle/W8sK4QW8f9iCEwh69

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