
Instituto Proyecto Cura promotes Patient Forum “Inside cancer” — Ed. Breast

NGO will bring together renowned doctors to answer cancer patients' main questions about breast cancer and clinical research at a free online event.

On October 6th, the Cura Project Institute will hold the Patient Forum “Inside Cancer” — Breast Edition. The event, of national scope, will be 100% online and free and will include the participation of renowned speakers and NGOs of great relevance in the country.

Focusing on patients, both from the Unified Health System - SUS, and from the private system, family members and patient association leaders, the Forum aims to educate and inform about the disease and its treatments and to present the latest research in Brazil.

We will discuss the reality of the disease in the country, its challenges and solutions, so that all patients receive appropriate treatment. Topics such as fertility, new treatments, metastatic breast cancer and research benefits will be addressed, with the eyes of leading experts in the field. Patients will also have the opportunity to ask questions with the specialists present. To check out the full schedule, click here.

About the Cura Project Institute

The Cura Project Institute is a non-profit institution and is the only one in Latin America that seeks to make the population aware of the benefits of research in the fight against cancer, in order to create a culture of philanthropy to finance them.

In its wide network of collaborators, Cura has researchers, oncologists, radiologists, surgeons and other health professionals who carry out various types of research. In addition, it also has the support of companies from various sectors, hospitals, research centers, NGOs, public institutions, volunteers and patients, all partners in the fight against cancer.

About the disease

Every year, more than 620,000 new cases of cancer are registered in Brazil (INCA, 2020). When it comes to breast cancer, the disease accounts for almost 30% of new cancer cases in Brazilian women (INCA, 2020) and is responsible for 16% of cancer deaths in women (INCA, 2019). Thus, it is necessary to encourage new public policies and technologies to promote the improvement of the outcomes of these patients.


“Inside Cancer” Patient Forum — MAMA Edition.
Online event with free registrations
October 06, 2021, from 15:00 to 18:30
Registrations via the link: http://www.forumcura.com.br

Text by Renata Ettinger and Paula Dultra

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