
The “Research Saves Life” Movement Campaign is designed by the Cura Project Institute

The initiative is yet another source of information about the benefits of clinical research and its nuances from the point of view of the main beneficiary: the cancer patient.

It is through clinical research that medicine evolves. These studies are essential so that we can learn more about diseases, develop new drugs, vaccines, treatments, and tests. COVID-19 brought the world's population the spotlight on the importance and benefits of research to save millions of lives where, in an international effort and in record time, science, through doctors and researchers, brought the solution to the pandemic.

As with COVID 19, a cure for cancer is also in research, but for this, it is necessary to overcome many challenges, especially in Brazil, including: funding, awareness, regulation, and encouragement of scientific production.

And it was in view of these challenges that the Cura Project Institute devised the “#PesquisasSalvamVidas Movement” campaign. The objective is to generate engagement from all sectors of society that can act in favor of these researches that seek a cure for cancer, from regulation to the viability of clinical studies. The initiative will also provide social education and clarify the benefits of clinical research and its nuances from the point of view of the main beneficiary: the patient.

The campaign was launched in Pink October 2022, on the occasion of the Cura Meeting event, but the campaign still has no definite date for its completion, as it will gain strength with the engagement and support of various entities, groups and NGOs engaged in initiatives involving the fight against cancer.

The video that launched the “Research Saves Lives” Movement features the testimony of Iramara Fluminhan, a cancer patient who was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer 8 years ago and is now only alive today thanks to research. Learn about Iramara's inspiring story in this video:


About the Cura Project Institute

Founded in 2016, the Cura Project Institute is a non-profit institution, based in Brazil and unique in Latin America, whose objective is to finance academic research in the area of oncology. To learn more about Cura, click here

To learn more about the #PesquisasSalvamVidas Movement, follow our Social Networks @projetocura or contact us at eventos@projetocura.org

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