
The Cancer Institute Brazil is the newest monthly donor to the Cura Project

The Brazilian Cancer Institute (ICB) signed a new partnership this month with the Cura Project Institute and is now part of our team of monthly donors. The Brazilian Cancer Institute is based on the pillars of care, teaching and research with quality, capillarity and social responsibility. Since 2012, the Institute has been fighting to democratize the access of the population in the interior of Brazil to quality cancer treatments.

Former partner in publicizing the actions of the Cura Project Institute, the ICB works to create and manage clinical, surgical and radiotherapy structures for cancer treatments in hospitals, private clinics, and in partnerships with the Unified Health System (SUS), in several cities in Brazil.

In addition to working with some common objectives, the executive director of the Brazilian Cancer Institute, Dr. José Márcio, affirms that the ICB's collaboration with Cura grew out of admiration for the project. “What enchants us most about Cura is its DNA. The institution thinks big and is not afraid to face difficulties and challenges. Since its founding, it was born with the intention of mobilizing society and making the population aware of clinical research and raising funds for this purpose. That in itself is fantastic and is very much in line with our spirit of innovation and resilience.”

The director also reveals that his first impression of the Cura Project was very positive. “A few years ago when we met the embryo of the Cura Project at an event of LACOG, during a presentation by its president Fernanda Schwyter -with a lot of twinkling in our eyes-, we were sure that it was a project that we should support, both because it was in line with the mission, vision and values of our institution, and also because of the quality and credibility of the people involved”, recalls Dr. José Márcio.

Now, we celebrate a new step in the partnership between the Cancer Institute Brazil and the Cura Project, the ICB becomes one of monthly donors from the Cura Project. Regarding the initiative, the president of the Cura Project Institute, Fernanda Schwyter, comments that “the partnership with the ICB will allow us to increase our awareness campaigns about the benefits of research in the fight against cancer, as well as in its funding. This partnership will also help us create a stronger and more engaged team so that we can further disseminate the philanthropic message of Cura and the importance of scientific research in the region”

The Cura Project Institute is the only organization in Latin America dedicated to planning and executing awareness-raising actions and raising funds to support various researches aimed at combating cancer - a disease that claims many victims around the world. Therefore, the collaboration of individuals and legal entities with the culture of philanthropy is essential so that scientists can continue their work and, through research, find treatments and cures for the most diverse cancers.

Dr. José Márcio also reinforces the importance of the act of donating and argues that “serious and non-profit institutions, with enormous social responsibility, such as the Cura Project Institute, must always be supported. Even more so when these institutions envision the improvement of our society as a whole”. The director of the ICB also invites “Everyone come with us! We are sure that initiatives such as the Cura Project Institute will contribute to an environment of engagement of individuals, companies and public managers in this very important struggle”.

Text by Letícia Barbosa

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