
Oncologists study the prevalence of coronavirus in cancer patients

On the 8th, the Brazilian Society of Clinical Oncology (SBOC) announced and celebrated the rapid approval by the National Research Ethics Committee (CONEP), linked to the Ministry of Health, of the project that will assess the prevalence of infection with the new coronavirus in cancer patients, over 18 years of age, undergoing oncological treatment or follow-up. The initiative, called ONCOVID 19.1 — National Consortium for COVID-19 in Cancer Patients, aims to collect information from the medical records of patients from all regions of the country diagnosed with the coronavirus, in the public and private sectors, to subsidize strategies, protocols, and policies to combat the disease and care among cancer patients. The platform, which can be powered by all SBOC clinical oncologists, through an online questionnaire, is under development. The link to access the research is expected to be available by the beginning of May.CONEPCONEP is the body responsible for the analysis and issuance of opinions on clinical research in Brazil and is directly linked to the National Health Council (CNS). All clinical research protocols are reviewed by the agency. Due to the pandemic, research proposals have been processed urgently, as provided for in resolution no. 580/2018. As of April 10, the commission had already issued 64 scientific research protocols related to the new coronavirus.With information from SBOC and CONEP

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