
Renowned speakers participate in an event for patients

Cura Project Institute brings together specialists to talk with patients and NGOs

The Patient Forum “Inside Cancer” - Breast Edition will take place on October 6th. Aimed at patients, family members, and patient association leaders and NGOs, the event will be an opportunity for the public to ask questions about breast cancer. In addition, debates and classes will take place on advances in treatments and the latest in clinical research, with specialists in the fields.

Check below who the professionals are and the topics that will be on the program!

Breast Cancer

· Early Diagnosis X Impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic — Dr. Heloisa Resende
· Metastatic Breast Cancer: epidemiology and unmet needs — Dr. Sérgio Simon
· New Treatments: the era of ADCs? — Dr. Max Mano
· Fertility and Breast Cancer — Dr. Ricardo Caponero
· Questions Session, moderated by the bloggers from “Papo de Câncer”, Paula Dultra and Carolina Magalhães, with doctors.

Clinical Research in Brazil

· LACOG Study Scenario — Dr. Gustavo Werutsky
· Amazona Study — Dr. Daniela Rosa
· DEBATE: What is the importance of socio-demographic data to guide public policy actions in health? Patients' Rights/Research Funding/Benefits of research conducted in Brazil? Dr. Carlos Barrios; Dr. Daniela Rosa; Dr. José Bines; Dr. Maira Caleffi — FEMAMA; Luciana Holtz — Oncoguia; and Fernanda Schwyter — Care.

The event, of national scope, is organized by the Cura Project Institute and will be 100% online and free. Don't miss this opportunity! Sign up now!

“Inside Cancer” Patient Forum — MAMA Edition.
Online event with free registrations
October 06, 2021, from 15:00 to 18:30
Registrations via the link: http://www.forumcura.com.br

Text by Renata Ettinger and Paula Dultra

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CLICK HERE and sign up now for the “Inside Cancer” Patient Forum - Breast edition.

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