
Why do we have to do research?

Because it is the only way to discover new drugs to combat the various types of cancer that decimate lives and burden society socially and financially in general. Initially, there is laboratory research, where the scientist is in a laboratory developing and testing drugs, remedies to cure diseases. This initial process usually takes more than 10 years before being tested on humans. And there is clinical research, which is testing the medicine on human beings. It is through research that doctors find new and better ways to help the population prevent, diagnose, control, and treat diseases. An example of this is the great evolution of cancer treatment seen in the last 50 years and which benefits us all. The disease, which was considered a sentence of death and suffering, now presents new perspectives: we are curing more and more patients and, above all, improving their quality of life.

However, we still need to do a lot, generate more knowledge and develop more effective drugs to face the enormous challenge of cancer, especially those types regionalized in developing countries, which are not covered by global research).

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