
FIP-SBOC Award recognizes Acceleration Project, innovative in the Fight against Breast Cancer during the SBOC Congress 2023

During the official ceremony of the 2023 SBOC Congress, on November 17, the FIP-SBOC Award was awarded to notable projects that stood out significantly in the fight against cancer in Brazil. Among the winners, the Acceleration Project stood out as a promising initiative to accelerate the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer in the country.

Dr. José Bines receiving SBOC award
Dr. José Bines with Dr. Gil Ferreira

The Acceleration Project, led by Dr. José Bines and with the Cura Project Institute as co-director, received recognition and donation of R$ 150,000, for its Phase 2, from the SBOC Research Incentive Fund (FIP). This Fund aims to support the development of Brazilian oncology research studies and initiatives focusing on reducing disparities and seeking equitable access to treatments.

Acceleration Project

Starting in 2022, in its initial phase, the Acceleration Project brought together a fundamental partnership with the health team of the Zilda Arns Family Clinic, in Complexo do Alemão. During this period, educational activities were carried out on breast cancer, in addition to the establishment of the registry and the trajectory of patients resident in that location.

Phase 2 Acceleration Project

General Objective: To decrease breast cancer mortality by reducing its presentation in advanced advances (III and IV).

Main Objective: Reduce the time interval between suspicion and treatment of breast cancer, currently from 6 to 8 months, to less than 3 months.

In the Brazilian context, the breast lesion biopsy and the histopathological report represent bottlenecks in the timely diagnosis and initiation of breast cancer treatment. The innovative proposal of the Acceleration Project aims to reduce these obstacles, improving the outcomes of this disease that affects so many lives.

The continuity of the project focuses on training Primary Health Care professionals to perform ultrasound and biopsy of suspected palpable breast lesions at the point of care. The speed and accuracy in obtaining the histopathological report are key elements to accelerate the diagnosis, delaying the time until the start of treatment and, consequently, reducing mortality from breast cancer.

The project strategy is to shift the focus from the current emphasis on mammographic screening to the implementation of an early diagnosis, through an approach based on adequate resources. The objective is to prevent a significant number of deaths from breast cancer, changing the current reality.

SBOC Research Incentive Fund (FIP) Award

The recognition and award of the Acceleration Project, in the SBOC Research Incentive Fund (FIP), represent a significant milestone in the oncology research scene in Brazil and in the continuous effort to address breast cancer in Brazil, promoting innovation and advancement in the approach to this complex disease. The importance of the Cura Project Institute as co-director of this project stands out as an important initial supporter for the success and positive impact of this initiative.

The FIP-SBOC Award highlights not only the quality of the research, but also the direct impact on patients' lives, signaling a more hopeful future in the Brazilian oncology scene and the role of the Cura Project Institute with the project, highlights its commitment to promoting oncological research in Brazil, and the partnership between Dr. José Bines and the Cura Project Institute highlights the important collaboration between professionals and institutions, engaged in advances in cancer treatment.

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