
Ovarian Cancer Study is the big winner of the Renata Thormann Prociannoy Prize 2023

The “Lacog 1018” Study, which was developed with the objective of evaluating the benefit of combining two medications, in women with advanced, polytreated ovarian cancer who expressed hormone receptors, had the oncologist of the Hospital Fêmina and the Oncology Research Center of the HSL-PUCRS, Dr. Fernanda Bronzon Damian, as principal investigator

The Renata Thormann Prociannoy Prize 2023, an initiative of the Cura Project Institute that encourages clinical research in Brazil, recognizes the “Lacog 1018” research, the study that was developed with the objective of evaluating the benefit of the combination of letrozole + palbociclbe in women with advanced ovarian cancer who were polytreated and who expressed hormone receptors as the big winner of the year.

The research was conducted with women who had already undergone 2 different chemotherapy treatments, but their needs were not yet met. With the research carried out by Dr. Fernanda, an inhibitor was proposed to treat the cases.

The research included the oncologist at Hospital Fêmina and the Oncology Research Center at HSL-PUCRS, Dr. Fernanda Bronzon Damian as principal investigator and co-authors: Andreia Cristina De Melo, Graziela Zibetti Dal Molin, Angelica Nogueira Rodrigues, Aknar Freire de Carvalho Calabrich, Gustavo Werutsky, Elias Abdo Filho, Taiane Francieli Rebelatto, Rafaela Gomes de Jesus and Mirela Foresti Jimenez.

The Scientific Committee for the award was composed of renowned oncologists, such as (in alphabetical order): Dr. Abna Vieira Dr. Max Mano, Dr. Cristiano de Pádua Souza, Dr. Eduardo Romero, Dr. Fernando Moura, Dr. Guilherme Harada, Dr. João Victor Alessi, Dr. Mariana Scarantini and Dr. Pedro Neffá.

According to Fernanda Schwyter, founder and president of the Cura Project Institute: “It is a great pleasure to stimulate the development of scientific knowledge in the country, collaborate with the improvement of treatment worldwide and improve the outcome of patients' quality of life”.

The 5th Renata Thormann Procianoy Prize 2023 was announced last Friday, June 16, during the Best Of ASCO Scientific Congress in São Paulo, by the president of the Cura Project Institute, Fernanda Schwyter, and presented by the president of the Scientific Committee, Dr. Max Mano, to the representative of Dr. Fernanda Bronzon Damian, Dr. Andreia Melo, co-author of the Lacog 1018 Study.

About the Renata Thormann Procianoy Award

Inspired by the story of the psychiatrist Nora Thormann, who had the help of her daughter Renata Thormann Procianoy in the search for research that would help diagnose and cure her health problem, which, after two years, resulted in the inclusion of Nora's case in a clinical study coordinated by the Peruvian Dr. Roberto Miranda at the MD Anderson hospital of the University of Texas (USA), the Prize is a recognition of the research that identified and treated Nora. The name is a
A tribute to Renata who, unfortunately, months later suffered a car accident and died, celebrating her tenth birthday this year. Check out Nora's testimony:


About the Cura Project Institute
The Cura Project Institute, a non-profit entity, promotes social, scientific and educational activities to increase civil society's awareness of the benefits of clinical research and to raise funds to finance academic studies to combat cancer in Brazil.

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