
NEOSAMBA Research - Cura Project funding the fight against breast cancer

The Cura Project Institute created an online vaccine with the goal of raising 25,000 reais for the initial expenses of phase III of the Neosamba research, which studies how to reduce the risk of a type of breast cancer returning to the patient. Access and contribute: http://vaka.me/743320 About the Research:Every year new cases of cancer are registered in Brazil. The latest survey by the National Cancer Institute (INCA) showed that, by December, 60,000 people will be diagnosed with the disease. How to reverse this picture? Experts in the field are betting on clinical research because of the possible expansion of access to new therapies, an improvement in quality of life and an increase in patient survival. With that in mind, doctors and civil society have come together to encourage the production of new studies in Brazil. One of the fruits of this union is the partnership between the Cura Project and 12 cancer centers, distributed in 8 Brazilian states. Everyone is looking for encouragement to start phase III of the Neosamba trial, which studies a way to prevent HER2-negative breast cancer from coming back. During the 2018 edition of ASCO, a conference of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, doctor José Bines was present to talk about the completion of phase II of Neosamba. Conducted by INCA, the trial investigated 118 patients with the purpose of evaluating whether the change in the order of drugs in the anthracycline and taxane class (some of the most common drugs used for chemotherapy) would make a difference in women's survival. It was suggested that treating them first with taxane and then with anthracyclines, and not the other way around, as was the previous standard, could bring more significant gains in progression-free survival and, especially, in overall survival. The study is moving towards phase III, when the number of people investigated is expanded for a longer period of time. However, resources are lacking to begin this process, which oncologist José Bines defines as a “confirmatory scientific study”. “The results of this analysis may redefine the best neoadjuvant chemotherapy treatment (performed before surgery) for women with locally advanced breast cancer. The conclusion could have an immediate global impact on the care of women with breast cancer. According to the INCA forecast, 60,000 new cases of the disease may occur by the end of 2019,” explains the expert. “This is a 100% Brazilian survey and 100% conducted with SUS patients. There is no relationship with the pharmaceutical industry. All stages of designing and conducting the study are carried out by the researchers themselves, and now with the Cura Project, which has helped us to raise funds for the completion of phase III”, concludes José Bines.Presentation of the clinical study

  • Randomized phase III clinical trial evaluating anthracyclic and taxane sequencing in neoadjuvant therapy for locally advanced HER2-negative breast cancer
  • Principal Investigator: Dr. José Bines
  • Coordination and management: LACOG
  • Design: Phase III randomized clinical trial

Centers involved in the research

  • INCA (Rio de Janeiro/RJ) - General Principal Investigator - Dr. José Bines
  • PUC/RS (Porto Alegre/RS) — Dr. Carlos Barrios
  • HCPA (Porto Alegre/RS) — Dr. Pedro Liedke
  • CEPON (Florianópolis/SC) — Dr. Aline Lino
  • BARRETOS (Barretos/SP) — Dr. Cristiano Padua
  • ICESP (São Paulo/SP) — Dr. Laura Testa
  • UNICAMP (Campinas/SP) — Dr. Susana Ramalho
  • IBCC (São Paulo/SP) — Dr. Lilian Arruda
  • Araújo Jorge Hospital (Goiana/GO) — Dr. Geraldo Silva Queiroz
  • HINJA (Round Turn/RJ) — Dr. Heloisa Resende
  • LNRCC (Natal/RN) — Dr. Andrea Juliana Gomes
  • ICTR (Curitiba/PR) - Gisah Guilgen

About the Cura Project:The Cure Project was born to be a transformative piece within society. Its main objective is to raise funds for clinical research against cancer in Brazil. To this end, Cura seeks to combine science and creativity as its main tools for raising awareness of the importance of this cause. The initiative is linked to the Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group, LACOG, a non-profit organization that aims to develop, conduct and coordinate academic studies and clinical research in Latin America. Today, the Cura Project operates in Brazil and will soon arrive in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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