The Cura Project has research approved in the PRONON public notice
The Ministry of Health published, on November 18, in the Federal Official Gazette, the approval of the public notice registered in 2019 by the Cura Project Institute, which benefits the NeoSamba Study in the PRONON - National Oncological Care Support Program. Thus, Pronon opens doors for the Cura Project Institute to have more and more hope in its mission to support oncological research.
According to the Federal Government website, “Pronon's purpose is to encourage actions and services developed by non-profit entities, associations and private foundations that work in the field of oncology. The purpose is to expand the offer of services and expand the provision of medical care; to support the formation, training, and improvement of human resources at all levels; and to carry out clinical, epidemiological, and experimental research.”
The National Oncology Care Support Program was established by Law 12,715/12, which allows companies taxed for “real profit” to allocate up to 1% of their Income Tax to finance research such as the NeoSamba Study, which seeks to raise funds to fund the processing of data for a 100% Brazilian study, which studies a new sequencing of the treatment of HER2-negative breast cancer.

The NeoSamba study is a randomized clinical trial, which is in phase 3, studying a new treatment sequence with neoadjuvant chemotherapy (before breast surgery) and will include the treatment of nearly 500 women over three years.
The approval of the NeoSamba Study in Pronon, which is valid for the 2021 fiscal year, does not guarantee the transfer of funds, and the raising of companies to join the program is the responsibility of the Instituto Cura Project and partner groups.
The link provides access to the Public Notice in its certified version: https://pesquisa.in.gov.br/imprensa/jsp/visualiza/index.jsp?data=18/11/2021&jornal=515&pagina=163
DOU - section I published on 11/18/2021
Companies that are interested in supporting the NeoSamba Campaign can contact the Cura Project Institute through its President Fernanda Schwyter 011.9.3080.0811 or via email: campanhas@projetocura.org