The Cura Project Institute receives support from an international institution in 2023.
The BIG - Breast International Group is the largest global network of academic research groups.
The history of the Institute Cura and BIG Project began in 2012 at an international scientific event, the Inter-American Breast Cancer Conference, in Cancun, where our president Fernanda Schwyter Did you meet the teacher Dr. Martine Piccart - president and co-founder of Breast International Group. It was at this meeting that the Cura Project Institute began to be designed, with the mission of carrying the message of the importance of international collaborative research to Latin America.
Some years later, in 2014, in Porto Alegre, when Cura was still being conceived, our president planned and coordinated a meeting between Dr. Piccart and Latin American researchers, the “BIG Latin American Groups Retreat”, an event that was held in Porto Alegre with the support of LACOG.

After that event, in the same year, Fernanda was invited to spend a week with the BIG team learning about Fundraising and awareness campaigns for research. This knowledge was essential for the development of Cura and is now strengthened with mutual institutional support!
To celebrate this moment, we interviewed the institution's team and brought their vision about the Cura Project Institute and the importance of the culture of philanthropy and of scientific research.
What is the importance of research for improving cancer treatment?
Research is the only way to improve cancer treatments — make them more effective, reduce their side effects, and adapt them to the individual needs of patients. This is because research is the only way to understand the biology of any specific form of cancer in order to determine the best possible way to treat it. Without research, we will not be able to cure cancer or end the great suffering and death of millions of people every year.
What is the biggest challenge for researchers to carry out research? Get funding to carry out your research. But to do that, the general public and potential donors need to understand why research is important and how research can improve and save lives.
Why is it important to engage in campaigns?
They serve to inform the general public and all those who can potentially play a role in supporting research. Campaigns can explain the importance of research, dispel myths about research, and show concretely how research leads to better treatments and cures for diseases such as cancer.
What are the direct and indirect benefits for patients?
Research leads to new treatments, which can extend patients' lives and improve quality of life; it also leads to cures. Indirectly, research reduces human suffering and, by improving people's health, it also reduces the burden on health systems.
What is the importance of the CURA Project Institute in this scenario?
CURA plays a critical role in bringing people together to help increase cancer awareness in Latin America and explain the essential role played by global research and collaboration in tackling cancer. CURA also collects essential resources for research. Without this, research cannot advance, progress cannot be made, and lives will continue to be lost because of cancer.
What is the importance of the CURA Project Institute for BIG's achievements?
CURA contributes to the success and strength of BIG member groups based in Latin America, in particular LACOG (Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group). In this way, LACOG can continue to develop important studies on breast cancer to be conducted in Brazil, Latin America and other regions, and its researchers can share their knowledge and experiences in Latin America. This helps to make global BIG studies more relevant to patients wherever they are in the world.
How can we count on BIG in developing a culture of philanthropy for research in Latin America?
The vision of the Breast International Group (BIG) is to find cures for breast cancer, facilitating collaboration between its academic research groups located around the world. Its primary purpose is to develop and execute breast cancer clinical trials and research programs that answer important questions for patients. To help raise funds for BIG studies with few resources, BIG established its own philanthropic team called “BIG against breast cancer”. This team and the leadership at BIG's headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, are available to advise LACOG and the CURA Project on their philanthropic initiatives.
About BIG
Breast International Group is a non-profit organization that represents the largest global network of academic research groups dedicated to finding better treatments and cures for breast cancer, with headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.
This long-standing interaction has now been transformed into an official partnership where BIG supports Cura institutionally!
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