
What is the importance of ASCO?

From June 01 to June 5, 2018, the ASCO - American Society of Clinical Oncology will take place. This annual meeting (ASCO Annual Meeting) is always held in the month of June in Chicago, United States. It is considered the world's largest congress on Clinical Oncology, bringing together more than 30,000 doctors and health professionals from around the world. This event presents the results of the most important cancer studies, many of which have an impact on clinical practice.

Event website: https://am.asco.org/How will LACOG participate in ASCO 2018?Lacog will present 3 abstracts at this important event. Two abstracts refer to the EVITA study — an epidemiological study on cervical cancer in Brazil. This study is in progress (these publications were initial results of the research). This study was developed by LACOG in partnership with EVA (Brazilian Gynecological Tumor Group). The third abstract is a study developed by the GBOT (Brazilian Thoracic Oncology Group) in which LACOG supported the planning, analysis and writing of the results.What type of research was carried out?EVITA is an observational study that collected data from patients treated at their respective institutions. The study continues with the follow-up of patients to assess treatment, quality of life, and survival over time. The GBOT study, on the other hand, collected the results of pathology laboratory tests to assess the prevalence of pd-l1 marker positivity in lung tumors. This study is complete and we will be working on its publication.Were these studies conducted by LACOG member doctors?In the EVITA study, several LACOG researchers were included in their respective hospitals and clinics, comprising all Brazilian regions. All participating doctors are members of LACOG. The supervision, conduct of the study, data analysis and publication were carried out at the LACOG Office in Porto Alegre. The PD-L1 lung cancer study was conducted by a group of investment oncologists from GBOT/LACOG and pathologists from reference laboratories in Brazil. The database and statistical analysis were carried out at the LACOG office, which has personnel specialized in clinical research.What is the importance of these studies?The Cervical Cancer Study (EVITA) is the largest study ever conducted in Brazil on the disease. Its objectives are to characterize the patient population (age, age group, income, personal and family history, treatments performed), evaluate screening through the Pap smear (how many women did it, why didn't) and study the quality of life of these patients before and after treatment, using evaluation criteria from the EORTC (European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer). The 3 abstracts are available on the LACOG website, the last 3, dated as 2018. The following link is: http://lacog.org.br/publications

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