

There is a large gap between the emergence of new effective treatment options in oncology and their incorporation into the SUS. This means that our population does not benefit from medical advances in the same proportion as other countries that invest more in cancer treatment.What is Metastatic Breast Cancer?Metastatic breast cancer is an advanced stage of breast cancer in which the disease has spread to other organs. Although still incurable, the intense research activity on this topic provided great advances in this area, transforming it into a chronic disease (such as diabetes, for example, which is controlled with medicines).How is HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer treated?There are several types of breast cancer. Approximately 20 {46cf1a6c7461ff493d31bdca70d45967bd1ce7048f85e123712b94daa5b61391} types of the disease are classified as HER2-positive. These tumors have a more aggressive clinical behavior, but great advances have been made in the last 2 decades. For example: according to statistics, with traditional chemotherapy alone the median survival of women is 20 months (1 year and 8 months). With chemotherapy associated with the drug TRASTUZUMAB, a specific antibody against the HER2 protein, this survival increases to 40 months (3.3 years). On the other hand, when treated with chemotherapy + TRASTUZUMAB + PERTUZUMAB (another antibody that also acts on the HER2 protein), the patient's life expectancy is 56 months (4.7 years).Do all HER2-positive breast cancer patients have access to these medications?No! Although there has been scientific evidence of the benefit of trastuzumab in advanced breast cancer since 2001, it has not yet been incorporated into the SUS.How to solve this?CONITEC, the National Commission for the Incorporation of Technologies into the SUS, is the body responsible for determining which treatments are provided by the Unified Health System. At present, there is a public consultation regarding the incorporation of TRASTUZUMAB and the TRASTUZUMAB + PERTUZUMAB “combo” for the treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer in the metastatic setting.HOW TO CONTRIBUTE?After reading the drug/technology technical report, citizens can make their suggestions and comments about the technology evaluated, as well as about the initial recommendation made by CONITEC. These contributions must be entered in the electronic form available on the portal. Participate! (Consultations 13 and 14)http://conitec.gov.br/consultas-publicas

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