
The inclusion of new patients in research with phosphoethanolamine suspended

After the high expectations raised regarding the efficacy of phosphoethanolamine in the treatment of cancer from the uncontrolled use of the substance in patients at USP São Carlos, the inclusion of new patients in research initiated in July 2016 was suspended due to lack of benefit. Of the 59 patients evaluated so far, only one, with melanoma, showed a response (there was an objective reduction in tumor size). The researchers conducting the study are now discussing whether the investigation will continue in patients with melanoma. By ethically and transparently testing a hypothesis, clinical research helps doctors and patients to discover what works (and what doesn't) in the treatment of cancer. Read more at: http://g1.globo.com/bemestar/noticia/fosfoetanolamina-instituto-do-cancer-suspende-testes-devido-a-ausencia-de-beneficio-clinico-significativo.ghtml

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