
Union for clinical research!

The Cura Project Institute presents the companies that support the NGO in 2023.

In a world where the Journey against cancer it's a constant process, Cura Project Institute stands out as a important bridge between science and the patient, expanding awareness, education, and information about clinical research to combat cancer and encouraging fundraising for investment in academic studies.

In the year 2023, we look back with gratitude for the support that made, and will make possible, significant advances in cancer research and awareness.

The Cura Project Institute would not be able to fulfill its mission without the essential support of various institutions and individuals, and sees in each donation, the partnership and collaborative effort that have been fundamental to boosting our capacity to face cancer more effectively.

With this, we would like to express the importance of all the companies that supported the Cura Project in the last year: Prognostic Clinic, Cancer Institute of Brazil (ICB), Alta Saúde Home Care, ONE — Ocean Network, UMotivo Channel and The Magal Way. We also thank Breast International Group (BIG), LACOG, All Together Against Cancer and Brazilian Mastology Society for their institutional support.

We emphasize that each contribution is immeasurable, since the impact of research goes beyond what we can see translated into treatments. It is a support that leaves a mark on science and on the lives of everyone involved in this universe.

A Awareness-raising is a powerful tool in the fight against cancer. With the support of our partners, we were able to broaden the population's understanding of the importance of research and the challenges faced by those living with cancer. The dissemination of relevant information has been possible thanks to continuous collaboration with organizations committed to the cause.

Our big thanks to everyone! We will continue to fight, encourage research, and inspire hope until a cure is a reality for all.

Let's continue together to make 2024 even better!

To make a donation and learn more about our projects, visit our Donation tab, follow our Social Networks @projetocura (Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn) or contact us at eventos@projetocura.org.

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