
The 3rd edition of the Renata Thormann Procianoy Prize is supported by the pharmacist Cristália

June 10, 2021 - Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we observed how necessary it is to celebrate research efforts and share knowledge. In view of this, for the first year, the pharmaceutical company Cristália will support the Renata Thormann Procianoy award. The award will take place on June 16, from 8 pm to 8:30pm, during the Best of ASCO 2021 Annual Meeting Congress - Brazil Edition. This, which is one of the largest oncology events in the country, can be viewed virtually from June 14 to 16. The conference is free, aimed at doctors and health professionals, and is open for registration. Those interested can register by clicking hereto.

Cristália, our new partner, is a Brazilian pharmaceutical, pharmachemical, biotechnological and research industrial complex that has been leading the innovation market for 47 years and has been considered the best pharmaceutical company in Brazil for 3 consecutive years. With regard to cancer patients, Cristalia is also a pioneer and inaugurated in 2019 the Pharmoquimica plant for oncological products, which is already producing several high-potency drugs (IFAs) for oncology in Brazil. Are you curious and want to know a little more about Cristália? Access your portfolio hereto!

More than providing due recognition, the Cura Project Institute seeks, with the Renata Thormann Procianoy award, to motivate the scientific community to continue with its excellent research and to renew its impetus to help others and future generations, since working in research in Brazil can be challenging and exhausting due to the lack of incentives. In addition, the intention is to disseminate among scientific peers and the lay public what has been innovative in our science in search of quality of life for cancer patients and more effective treatments against cancer.

The award was launched by the Cura Project Institute in 2019 during the Best of ASCO, whose winner was Dr. Thiago Bueno. The award pays homage to the story of Renata Thormann Procianoy who dedicated two years of her life to helping her mother, Nora Thormann, find a correct diagnosis and treatment for breast cancer. Nora recovered when she was recruited for research coordinated by doctor Dr. Roberto Miranda at the MD Anderson hospital at the University of Texas, USA.

This year the Best of ASCO 2021 will have lectures on the topics: Genitourinary; Skin Cancer and Sarcomas; Head and Neck/Neuro; Breast; Gynecology; Hematology; Gastrointestinal and Lung. The speakers are among the most renowned and innovative researchers in the country, so we invite everyone to participate in this moment of knowledge exchange and communion, join us!

Text by Letícia Barbosa

With information from: Cristália and Best of ASCO 2021 Annual Meeting - Brazil Edition

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