
Women as protagonists in the fight against cancer

Throughout history, whether as scientists, health professionals, caregivers, or patients, women have played a vital role in the fight against cancer. Although gender inequalities remain, women are able to occupy more leadership and activism positions in the areas of health and science, which has the power to positively impact the attention, care, and access to information of women who are cancer patients or who accompany family members, partners, or friends who are undergoing cancer treatment.

Considering how female participation in this area can help inspire other women to tell their stories and raise the flag of scientific research, we highlight below the inspiring initiatives of some of the many women who work for a common goal: the fight against cancer and the well-being of cancer patients.

USP scientists develop immunotherapy against HPV

Researchers Luana Moraes, Bruna Porchia and Mariana Diniz from the Institute of Biomedical Sciences (ICB) at USP seek to complete the development of an immunotherapy, called Terah-7. Treatment is aimed at tumors caused by the HPV virus, such as cervical cancer. Terah-7 is able to direct and activate the immune system itself, inducing a specific response to fight the tumor, without harming patients' healthy cells. Source: USP Journal.

Queer activist Ericka Hart has been promoting debates about breast cancer

After being diagnosed at 28 with breast cancer, the same disease that brought her mother, Ericka Hart was shocked and decided to take action. In 2016, she attended the music festival and exposed her mastectomy scars on stage to draw attention to the disease. His act had repercussions on the media and social networks. Since then, Ericka, who is also a sex educator, has used her fame to raise awareness, especially among black Queer and Trans people, about breast cancer and discuss medicine, gender, sexuality, and racism.

A member of the Cura Project Institute, she has overcome two cancers and uses her work to raise awareness and educate about the disease

Paula Dutra has been part of the Cura Project Institute team since 2017, is an advertiser and design specialist, and is responsible for taking care of our social networks! Paula has had breast and ovarian cancer and for this reason she participated in clinical research and is a great supporter of encouraging research to combat cancer. Since her first diagnosis in 2011, Paula decided to share her story and the step by step of her treatment with other women. Thus, she created a support network and experience sharing on the blog Mão na Mama @maonamama, where she also gives tips on health and self-care.

Dr. Angélica Nogueira is an oncologist and researcher and holds leadership positions in several institutions that are committed to a didactic and preventive approach to the fight against cancer.

Dr. Angélica is an example of determination and leadership. The doctor was the creator of the Brazilian Gynecological Tumors Group (EVA Group), which seeks to promote awareness and research in gynecological cancer. In addition, the institution defends the rights of cancer patients and supports them during treatment for the disease. Currently, in addition to chairing the EVA Group, Dr. Angélica is also director of the Brazilian Society of Clinical Oncology (SBOC), Chair Gynecology of the Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group (LACOG) and research professor at the Minas Gerais School of Medical Sciences and the Federal University of Minas Gerais.


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