
Campaign unites health professionals in the search for resources for clinical research

A social media campaign, developed by the Cura Project, is bringing together oncologists, and other health professionals, in the search for resources to finance phase 3 of the Neosamba clinical research, which seeks study a way to prevent HER2-negative breast cancer from relapsing in the patient.The purpose of the action is for the participants - godparents and godmothers - to share a personalized link for online collection on their social networks and encourage their followers to donate to the research. Each of them sets a goal for its collection and a ranking shows the results of the donations. According to the president of Cura, Fernanda Schwyter, it is a healthy competition for a great cause. “It's a way we found to engage doctors in the search for private resources for clinical research against cancer, a chain of good,” she explains. For now, doctors Heloisa Resende (RJ), Susana Ramalho (RJ), Monique Binotto (RS), Alessandra Morelle (RS), and doctors José Bines (RJ), Tomas Reinert (RS), Gilberto Amorim (RJ), Gustavo Werutsky (RS), Dr. Eduardo Romero (SP) participate in the “gymkhana”, in addition by the psychologist and sexologist Flávia dos Santos (Bogotá- Colombia). The Cura website is also participating in the competition.

With the motto “The cure for cancer is in our hands”, the Cura Project has developed several activities aimed at the arts, music, fashion and entertainment, in order to develop a culture of philanthropy to finance clinical research in Brazil. Research Neosamba, coordinated and managed by LACOG - Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group, is 100% Brazilian and will be performed with SUS patients from 12 cancer centers, distributed in eight states. Learn more and participate: https://linktr.ee/projetocura

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