
Instituto Proyecto Cura is chosen to benefit from an International Donation Campaign

Action #TheMagalWay will benefit the Cura Project in a donation campaign

A campaign #TheMagalWay - Cycling to support cancer research, emerged in the life of Brazilian Marcos Magalhães, who lives in the United States, as a way to explore his passion for bicycle competitions to inspire people to practice physical activities and raise funds for a good cause: cancer research.

Cura em Ação de doação internacional

In this year's season, Marcos Magalhães will participate in several cycling events, the most important of which is a journey through the Patagonian Pampas, traveling across lakes and mountains along Chile's iconic Carretera Austral and Pacific fjords. This will take place in November of this year, in “Blue November”, which is a month dedicated to raising awareness about men's health problems, focusing on prostate cancer.

And for that journey, Marcos chose the Cura Project Institute to benefit from the donations collected in the action, which, in the words of the cyclist himself: “I set an ambitious goal because we know that, with the support of people like you, we can achieve it. Please be sure to make your donation and follow my journey at @themagalway” — explains the athlete.

Learn more about the #TheMagalWay journey, following the cyclist Marcos Magalhães on his Social Networks @themagalway and, to participate with a donation, simply log in and access the link: https://projetocura.org/c/themagalway/

To make a donation and learn more about our projects, visit our Donation tab, follow our Social Networks @projetocura or contact us at eventos@projetocura.org

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