
The risks of smoking in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic

According to the World Health Organization, tobacco use causes 8 million deaths every year. To make the population aware of the risks of smoking, May 31 is marked as World No Tobacco Day. The date, already charged with importance, becomes even more essential, as recent evidence shows that smokers are more likely to develop severe cases of COVID-19 and to die.

On April 29, 2020, a review of studies by public health experts convened by the WHO found that smokers are more likely to develop more severe versions of the coronavirus, compared to non-smokers. This is because COVID-19 is an infectious disease that mainly attacks the lungs and smoking is a risk factor for many respiratory infections, because it damages the lungs, which increases the severity of respiratory diseases. That is, smoking decreases lung function, making it harder for the body to fight against coronavirus and other diseases.

According to information from the National Cancer Institute (INCA), tobacco is also related to approximately 50 diseases, including various types of cancer (lung, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, kidney, bladder, cervix, leukemia), respiratory system diseases (pulmonary emphysema, chronic bronchitis, asthma, respiratory infections) and cardiovascular diseases (angina, acute myocardial infarction, high blood pressure, aneurysms, stroke, thrombosis). These diseases are the comorbidities we hear so much about on the news, which put people at greater risk if they are affected by coronavirus.

Faced with this situation, it is essential to seek ways to overcome cigarettes, not only because they leave those who use them more vulnerable to COVID-19, but because their use alone causes various health problems. The challenge is tough, but the Unified Health System (SUS) offers free treatment for those who wish to quit smoking. The initiative is carried out through the National Tobacco Control Program (PNCT). The program is provided by the Ministry of Health in partnership with INCA and covers all Brazilian states and the Federal District. Click here and learn where you can find anti-smoking treatment near you.

With information from: World Health Organization and Cancer Institute Brazil

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