The Cura Project celebrates 2022 of achievements
The Institute presents a retrospective of educational events and actions in favor of scientific research.
In another year of holding events, face-to-face lectures, live shows, awards and much more, Cura Project Institute Celebrate your 6 years of existence and promotes dialogues between the main actors of cancer care in Brazil.
In addition to educational posts on social networks for the dissemination of quality information about cancer and research, Cura continued with its Periodical lives that had been started in 2021. Foram 11 in total, including partners, patients, NGOs, doctors, and others.

There were several participations in face-to-face and online events, such as the lectures of PRio, Brazilian Breast Cancer Conference, from the Academy for Media and Patients with Information and Science (Gramado Breast Cancer), at the London Global Cancer Week and the LACOG Immuno-Oncology Symposium.

In June, the 4th edition of Renata Thormann Procianoy Award which, since 2019, recognizes the work of Brazilian researchers with cancer research. That year, the winner was Dr. Verônica Torres (ICESP). She was the principal investigator, with Dr. Gilberto Castro as co-author, of the “Prospective study evaluates the performance of the 2021 CKD-EPI equation without racial coefficient in adults with solid tumors”, on aspects related to the care of renal treatment in cancer patients. Before her, we had winners Dr. Luciana Landeiro (2021), Dr. Fernando Maluf (2020) and Dr. Thiago Bueno (2019).

The Cura Project Institute also celebrated its title, provided by the Ministry of Justice, as an OSCIP - Civil Society Organization of Public Interest. The purpose of this title is to:
📌 facilitate partnerships and agreements with all levels of government and public bodies;
📌 allow donations made by companies to be deducted from income taxes.
This was another important step that will help with the purpose of raising funds to finance research to combat various types of cancer.

A series of their own events also took place, such as:
- O Cura Meetings, a series of events that was created with the objective of expanding the knowledge and engagement of different sectors of society to reduce the incidence of cancer in Brazil. Its three editions took place on April 29, June 10 and October 7.
- O Immunotherapy for Patients Forum took place on October 8 and, at the time, patients and NGO representatives were able, in person and online, to learn more about the topic and ask questions from renowned medical researchers.
- All events were broadcast online and are available on the Instituto Proyecto Cura Channel at YouTube.

Still in October, Cura Project Institute launched a very important campaign, the “Research Save Lives Movement”, which aims to help clarify the benefits and their nuances from the point of view of the cancer patient. To learn more click here and check out the video, with the patient's testimony I'm going to Fluminham.
In addition to all initiatives, the Cura Project Institute's social networks are still available for wide dissemination of scientific studies that are recruiting patients. To learn more and submit research from your center for outreach, send an email to campanhas@projetocura.org
We wish 2023 to arrive full of partnerships and achievements, counting on the support of everyone who was with us in 2022! May we all take advantage and set as goals for next year: to understand more about research, to help, and to share correct information on the topic!
To make a donation and learn more about our projects, visit our Donation tab, follow our Social Networks @projetocura or contact us at campanhas@projetocura.org