
Renata Thormann Procianoy award winner to be recognized at Best Of ASCO Brazil

The winner of the second edition of Renata Thormann Procianoy award will be announced during the Best Of Asco Brazil 2020, held by LACOG - Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group and the Ethics Institute, from June 8 to 11, virtually.

The award was created by the Cura Project Institute to honor and recognize researchers working in the oncology field.

The scientific committee, chaired by the medical director of the Sírio Libanês Hospital and professor of the Academy of Leadership Sciences Switzerland, oncologist Dr. Max Mano, will be responsible for choosing the most prominent Brazilian clinical study in 2020. In addition to Dr. Max Mano, 6 other oncologists are part of the commission.

The president of Cura, Fernanda Schwyter, regrets the impossibility of physically holding the event due to COVID-19, but praises the LACOG initiative to organize the virtual scientific event.

“With the holding of the conference, participants will be able to learn about the innovations in cancer treatments and we will also continue the planning of the Cure Project to praise with a degree the great efforts of a researcher from Brazil in the search for a cure for cancer,” he points out.

The Best Of ASCO, Brazil edition, is an event officially licensed by ASCO - American Society of Clinical Oncology. The meeting will present the most relevant and scientifically important works of the ASCO Annual Meeting. The first edition of the Renata Thormann Procianoy award took place at the 2019 Best of ASCO and the winner was the doctor Dr. Thiago Bueno.

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