
Cure donates to breast cancer research

The Cura Project Institute donated 20,000 reais to LACOG (Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group), which will support the start of the activities of the third phase of the NeoSamba Study, whose objective is to analyze the sequence of the medication currently used to treat HER2-negative breast cancer, in order to prevent recurrence in the patient. The donation was only possible thanks to the efforts of oncologists and health professionals, who, through their social networks, encouraged donations for research. The winner of the action, developed within the warfare “The Cancer Cure is in our hands”, was the clinical director of IBCC Oncology (Brazilian Institute for Cancer Control), oncologist Lilian Arruda. According to the doctor, only 2% of the research carried out in the world involves the participation of Brazil. Lilian stresses the importance of carrying out more research in the country. “We are the ninth economy in the world, but we ranked 24th in carrying out clinical research,” she laments.NeoSamba SearchPhase 3 of the NeoSamba survey will be conducted at 12 cancer centers, distributed in 8 Brazilian states, with SUS patients. The study's principal investigator is oncologist José Bines. According to the doctor, “there is a lot of work to be done in the diagnosis, treatment, and research to improve breast cancer outcomes in the country.” Phase 2 of the clinical trial, conducted by INCA (National Cancer Institute), investigated 118 patients. At the time, it was evaluated whether the change in the order of drugs in the anthracycline and taxane class would make a difference in women's survival. The study indicated that treating them first with taxane and then with anthracyclines, and not the other way around, as was the previous standard, could bring more significant gains in progression-free survival and, especially, in overall survival. Phase 3 of the research, which is a confirmatory scientific study, will expand the universe of patients studied. “The results of this analysis may redefine the best neoadjuvant chemotherapy treatment (performed before surgery) for women with locally advanced breast cancer. The conclusion may have an immediate global impact on the care of women with breast cancer,” concludes the doctor. According to data from INCA for the three-year period 2020-2023, Brazil will have 600,000 new cases of cancer a year. Breast cancer is the most common among women with a forecast of 66,000 new cases annually. It represents almost 1/3 of all tumors in women and this number is greater than the sum of the following 3 tumors: intestine, cervix, and lung.Godparents and bridesmaidsDoctors and health professionals participated in the Cura campaign: Heloisa Rezende, Susana Ramalho, Tomás Reinert, Alessandra Morelle, Eduardo Romero, Flávia dos Santos, Gilberto Amorim, Gustavo Werutsky, José Bines, Monique Bionotto and Vivian Antunes.

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